
Sunday, May 26, 2019

Doing my thing

Came to CMO to water today and tomorrow. No longer able to do it all in one day. Photographed this nice and cooperative Saltbush Sootywing.

Also added a couple of ode species to my May list. 

Great Pondhawk

Neon Skimmer
Alongside a path I walk down into the arroyo at the oasis I've been constantly flushing a female Scaled Quail. So I peaked under a clump of tall grass and found her nest. It looked like it had about 20 eggs in it. I didn't want to push the grass aside for a photo lest it expose the nest to predators, so this is the shot I settled for.

That spot has been known to flood during monsoon season but I'm sure her brood will be gone by then. A Western Coachwhip snake has been hanging around near there. Sure hope it doesn't find them.

For years I've said I like Chisos Rosewood (Vaquelinia angustifolia) because it's evergreen, drought resistant, and has no insect problems. In fact, my only complaint was that it didn't attract butterflies. But this year the blooms are attracting butterflies. Don't know why, but I'll take it.

Black Swallowtail 
The Western Soapberry is blooming profusely too. I keep looking for a Soapberry Hairstreak in one, but so far, no luck.

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