
Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Got my days mixed up

I knew I had to be back in town on Thursday, and thinking today was Wednesday, I thought I had to get everything watered today if I wanted to go odeing at Lajitas tomorrow before heading to town. So I tortured myself trying. Almost made it, then I discovered today is Tuesday. So that gives me an extra day. Tomorrow I'll hang out at the oasis and finish watering. The soapberry trees are blooming, so I'd like to look in them for butterflies. Too windy today.

Empress Leilia in Soapberry

Thought I had a new ode species for the oasis today, but I checked and I had it here once before. Totally did not remember that. Four-spotted Pennant.

The Retama (Parkinsonia aculeata) is blooming too.

Here's a photo taken by Mac recently at CMO. 

House Finch, subspecies San Luis (Haemorhous mexicanus potosinus)


  1. Good. I'm not alone. Tuesday felt like Saturday to me all day, regardless of how many times I informed myself I was wrong.
    At least you got a spare day out of it!!

  2. P.S. You took some good photos on your day off. I have never seen a retama bloom. Thanks.
