
Thursday, May 9, 2019

The mountain

Today was the day! I took everything along I could possibly need so I wouldn't be stressed. Lots of water, inhaler, aspirin, food, pistol... well everything except band-aids. Never expected to need those.

Here's a rock shelter that I think was used by prehistoric people. I found it years ago and couldn't relocate it. Now I think I'll be able to find it again. I paid more attention.

I started at 7:30 this morning and did the whole ascent in the shade of the mountain. Once on the summit, about two hours later, it had warmed up enough for butterflies to be flying. I trekked a long way along the summit ridge to a huge patch of oaks. None taller than my head. There I found one of my target species, Poling's Hairstreak. It wasn't a lifer for me, but I wanted a photo of one from CMO.

Since the oaks are at the far end of the ridge, I made my way back toward where I had started from, hoping to get a better photo of an Ursine Giant-Skipper than I had from last year. No luck there.

While trudging along I tripped over a rock and fell flat. Tore a big patch of skin off my arm and gouged a finger. I spread the flap of skin back over the wound and hope it'll "take." Usually doesn't, but I always try.

By then my clothes were pretty bloody and a vulture started circling me. Rather unsettling. He must have smelled the blood.

Didn't see much else of interest, but I'm glad I went. Next week I hope to go up my sister's trail looking for Lucifer nests. It's not nearly as far and all trail, no bushwhacking. I did see a Central Texas Whip-snake on my way up. It's a common oasis species.

More tomorrow on my climb....

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