
Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Life moving way too fast

Left Alpine for Odessa at 6 AM, got Hugh's eyes checked, and headed back to Alpine, with Hugh, the world's worst passenger, yelling at me all the way, pumping imaginary brakes, gripping the armrests, the whole bit. Sounded to me like he must be seeing better than me, to hear him carry on. This too shall pass! (I've been driving for 70 years, accident free.)

Then I rushed to CMO to start the pumps so I could fill the stucco tank. The rain had filled the big concrete tank. The stucco tank should be full by 11 PM or so, and then I'm going to turn off both pumps and finish pumping the upper dirt tank in the morning. It loses water more than the lower dirt tank so I want to get all the water that the stucco tank can't hold down to the lower tank. Dragonflies like the lower tank better too because it's long like a river, and not roundish like the upper dirt tank.

So. I didn't take one photo today as I rushed around doing big catch-up. Luckily, Mac came to the rescue and furnished me some pics for this blog. He's so handy to have around, helping with the pumps, hoses and such.

Here's a photo he took of a Rock Squirrel. He really likes it. Maybe a man-thing. LOL  This squirrel seems to have more than made up for his lack of a tail.

Mac also enjoyed watching and photographing a Bell's Vireo building a nest. 

He had hoped to photograph newly hatched Scaled Quail, but could only get these half-grown ones.

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