
Thursday, June 20, 2019

No cell phone

Today I spent all morning working on my cell phone trauma. As soon as Apple was open for business I called them and had them walk me through the process of disabling and erasing my phone. Then I went to the Verizon store and spent another 3 hours. They were an hour late opening and had a long line and only one employee working. The bottom line is my son ordered me a new phone online, which will arrive in a day or two. I feel like I won't be functional until I get a phone. Truly!

All I can figure out that happened is when I used my phone while pumping gas and cleaning my windshield, I probably stuck it in my pocket, which was a shallow pocket. It must have fallen out and I didn't hear it, which would be unheard of for me (no pun intended). Then someone must have picked it up when I drove away and immediately disabled the tracker on it. By the time I got to the house a few minutes away and couldn't find it, my son tried to track it and I went back to the gas station. All to no avail. From what I could learn from Verizon, Apple, and our credit card company, the phone wasn't used. I guess it's within the realm of possibility that I ran over it, and someone tossed it in the trash can. Wish I had thought to go through the trash cans.

Needless to say, my phone's location will be a top priority for me in the future. I guess I'll be its slave... or prisoner. LOL

Stuck in town, I'm enjoying the baby Elf Owls vicariously through Mac's photos. Here are a couple he took this afternoon. He's positive there are two in the hole. They'll be fledged by tomorrow.

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