
Monday, July 15, 2019

A new adventure

It bothers me how hard it is to interact with my blog's followers, so I decided to start a Christmas Mountains Oasis Facebook group. Hopefully, it'll be a good place for visitors to the oasis to share their photos and experiences from there. And I'll still blog as a sort of photo-diary. If you want to join the CMO group, I'd love to have you. Technology is awesome and I want to get the most out of it that I can.

Artificial Intelligence is the next frontier. The aspect of it I'm most excited about is exploring space without having to actually risk lives to do it.

Today we made some yummy apple juice.

Still half the apples left on the tree even though I've advertised them on Brewster County Exchange (for free) a couple of weeks ago. Lots have gotten taken but a long way to go.

Consolation for not finding that Arroyo Darner yesterday after a lengthy search is that it turned out to not be an Arroyo Darner, but a Blue-eyed Darner. I've seen lots of the latter. I'm disappointed for Tripp but we'll find one one of these days. I'm going to be more determined. 
It's very hard to tell the two species apart and a good shot of the tip of the appendage (cerci) is required for a positive identification.

He's seen one before but needs it for his Big Texas Dragonfly Year. You know how that  goes. At least he got the California Spreadwing at CMO. Could have been worse. And the ode I searched for at Calamity Creek the day before wasn't a new one for his year but it would have been a lifer for me. Just wish I had more time and energy for odeing. Or maybe I should wish that I don't want to go odeing every summer day.

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