
Tuesday, July 9, 2019

All good

Early this morning a lovely lady who lives about 14 miles from the oasis came over to help me pull weeds. It was fun and made weeding seem not quite so hopeless. Still daunting. The price of rain. It's worth it.

And last night and this morning I relocated a California Spreadwing, or maybe the same one I had found on June 24th. That's always a good Texas record.

While Mac and I were trying for better shots of the California Spreadwing he found this pair of mating Great Spreadwings. (Photo by Mac)

And one of my Tree Tobaccos has almost reached the tank roof. Love 'em!

Finally, a little story. When we get a big rain the water doesn't go over the first dam until the big tank is full. It has gambusias in it, and when the water runs across the spillway the gambusias swim out of the tank. They end up in the arroyo in the settling pond. I usually pump the water out because it doesn't stay long. It seeps into the ground. This time I left a big puddle of water in for the gambusias, but in a couple of days it dried up, leaving lots of dead gambusias. Something about the dead minnows attracted Black Swallowtails. And a few Turkey Vultures.

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