
Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Big feeder oops!

Mac had been helping me service the hummingbird feeders lately, so when he left I wasn't as aware of the volume of sugar water being consumed. Before leaving to town Sunday I filled what I thought were enough feeders. As I was driving off I was tempted to go back and fill a couple of giant feeders just to be on the safe side. But I just kept driving and resolved to do it next time.

I emailed the film crew yesterday and they said 3 feeders, of over a dozen, still had solution left in them. That wasn't good, I knew, so planned to come down at noon today. But before I could tell my husband, he asked me to make a spaghetti supper for him this evening. Rather than disappoint and upset him, I chose to stay until after supper. As soon as I finished washing the dishes, I rushed to CMO, arriving here around 7:30.

OMG! The place was swarming with hummers like angry hornets and all the feeders were dry except two that had a little left in them. I filled ten feeders in record time, and by 8:15 all was calmed down. Still a couple of stragglers tanking up for the night.

Before I leave here again I'm going to fill two large 48 oz feeders like this one. Not letting that happen again.

I didn't take time to see what all was coming in. I know there were lots of Black-chinneds mixed in with quite a few Lucifers. I think the Black-chinneds are fattening up for migration, whereas the Lucifers are still on their second nesting.

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