
Saturday, July 13, 2019

Breakneck speed!

I try to keep up. I wish I could keep up. But it's so hard and stressful for me. Watered some today, then got a message from an odeing friend that he found a Bar-winged Skimmer along Highway 118 between the oasis and Alpine. So I headed that way, without even finishing the watering. Spent a weary hour searching in vain, but it's a good place to look for odes. So I'm in Alpine now and got another message that he found an Arroyo Darner at the County Park in Marathon. It would be another lifer for me, so heading there tomorrow.

My work just gets more and more behind. I need to be processing apples, picking tomatoes, maintaining our Alpine hummingbird feeders, clean both houses, and on and on. So tired. I know I'll be all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed in the morning, but I woke up this morning headachy and with sore feet from overdoing yesterday. At some point my body can't recover overnight.

And this false alarm with a Nutting's Flycatcher has been stressful. People came today to look for it, but it's gone. Without a sound recording it can't be confirmed. So that's the end of that saga.

Don't think I ever photographed a millipede so here's one.

And a butterfly I don't see very often. I think it's a worn Mallow Scrub-Hairstreak.

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