
Thursday, August 15, 2019

Bambi ran

A week or so ago a birder visiting our Alpine habitat reported seeing a fawn near the ponds. I hadn't been able to relocate it until today when I accidentally flushed it. Trying to maneuver for an unobstructed photo of it caused it to flee. Last I saw it, it was running down the street. I don't know if it has a mother that comes back to it, or if it's on its own, but I never see an adult around. Hmmm....

I needed an ode fix so dropped by Alpine Creek (adjacent to Kokernot Park) today. Here's a Plateau Dragonlet. (I have them at our ponds in Alpine too.)

I saw a female Blue-eyed Darner dead in the creek and fished it out for a photo. Yuck!

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