
Friday, August 2, 2019

New Alpine mural

Stylle Read has been painting murals in Texas for many years. I actually met him about 40 years ago, although I'm sure he wouldn't remember me. (That was in a former chapter of my life when I was an artist and hobnobbed with other artists.)

Here is a photo of him applying finishing touches on his latest mural. I am really impressed with it. I think it'll become a favorite of his fans. If you've been to Alpine you've surely seen at least one of his murals.

Located south of McDonald's at The Prescription Shop, it draws one in to study it closer. The stars around the perimeter feature names and dates of former Texas Rangers.

If you're interested, here's a link to a good article about him.

Other than that, I'm just taking it easy in town, resting my knee. Today was the first day I went without ibuprofen for the pain and swelling. It was tough, and tempting to take some for relief, but I persevered. I wanted to be able to compare healing progress from day to day without masking it. Also if I'm not in pain, I'm tempted to do more than I should, which might slow healing.

I limped out to our ponds here briefly looking for odes. Only saw this Dotted Roadside-Skipper to photograph, so settled for that.

Tomorrow I'm hoping I might be able to take a quick look at the pools in Alpine Creek by Kokernot Park, but if I do I'll have to use a walking stick. Can't risk going along the uneven trail yet without one.

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