
Sunday, August 4, 2019

Scheduled maintenance

I had to come to the oasis today to service feeders and water trees, so I took a long midday nap in town in preparation. It worked and I arrived at the oasis feeling 90% healed. But 3 hours of work in the 102° heat zapped me to where I could barely walk. I'll start again tomorrow but I may need to take ibuprofen to do the job, like I did last time on Aug 1st.

The heat seemed to zap this empidonax flycatcher too. He perched and spread himself out like he was desperate to stay cool. Obviously a migrant from a cooler climate. Maybe a Willow Flycatcher.

And I finally managed to snap a few pics of a female Lucifer Hummingbird enjoying the Tree Tobacco. She wouldn't be still a second so I had to just take what I could get.

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