
Sunday, September 1, 2019

As hard as it gets

Today was a very hard day for me at the oasis, helping my son get the pump running. I was in and out of the water numerous times besides running all over the place for tools and such. So now the pump is running intermittently, like it was before this recent breakdown.

I was too hot and exhausted after we finished to do any watering. Hopefully, I'll be recovered by tomorrow morning. Both my husband and this son think I'm crazy to keep fighting the adversities. But sitting all day in a rocker reading, like my husband does, isn't for me.

My son thinks the problem is a bad control box, even though it's the second or third new one we put in. I have 3 more new ones but he was eager to get back to town and wouldn't replace it. If it's not that, then it's the underground line. The recent electrician ran a temporary line above ground, but my son was so sure the problem was the control box that he didn't test the temporary line well enough, in my opinion.

Since it wasn't good to leave the line strung across the viewing area for who knows how long, he removed it before he hastened away. It was a big job to hook up in the first place so we really should have run the pump with it to be sure it was staying on.

The story is more complicated than that of course. The electrician hooked up the temporary line and bypassed the pressure pump. So after my son got the pump installed and turned on the switch, pressure built up too high and blew the pump off the water line. We had to start all over, with me wading into the water to retrieve the pump I had just installed, etc.

Anyway, enough of that misery. A waterthrush was enjoying the gravity drip I put up temporarily today.

I'm going to remove it tomorrow. Too much trouble to have to add water to the tank all the time. I've decided to go back to using the pump for the drip. I've got the pump up out of the mud higher now, so it shouldn't get clogged up.

I think this is a Northern Waterthrush, but I do get Louisianas too. And a Blue-eyed Darner hung up under the canopy, so not a good photo op. 

1 comment:

  1. Used to live in a place that had a submersible pump in a shallow well for the house water, and another pump, not submersible, for the yard water. You have my empathy/sympathy.
