
Tuesday, September 10, 2019


After the big monsoonal rain yesterday afternoon, it drizzled half the night. Today it's sprinkling off and on. We could very well get another deluge this afternoon. Meanwhile...

The settling pond above the upper dam went down nearly a foot overnight, so I'm pumping that water into the dragonfly pond, which had room for more water and only went down an inch or so in the night.

More importantly, I patched, then applied two coats of Drylok on the bad area of the stucco tank.

I'll let it dry overnight and if it doesn't rain and fill it up tonight, I'll pump it full tomorrow. I was amazed at how many dragonflies showed up this afternoon. Dozens of Common Green Darners are mating all over the place already. I'm going to OD on dragonflying.

Today was a hard day, but not a killer day. If the pumps behave tomorrow, it should be an easier day.

Dragonfly pond late afternoon

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