
Friday, September 6, 2019


When Mac was visiting he wanted to photograph a vinegaroon so bad and we couldn't find one. Today after I watered at the oasis and did some patching in the stucco tank, I came to town. I was just sitting in a chair, watching TV, minding my own business, when I spotted a huge vinegaroon 2" from my foot.

Such is life!


  1. Vinegaroon is another name for Langtry, TX. Law West of the Pecos. We had them as residents in our place in Costa Rica. Also. got to know them while managing a ranch near Catalina, AZ, back in the mid-70s. As you know, scary but harmless. Sure wish I could get out your way to see you but heart is now failing. Big hugs to you dear friend. Thanks for giving me and everyone so much of you and your Oasis.

    1. I had no idea that was a name for Langtry. Fascinating. I'm so sad to hear your heart if failing. I hope there's something they can do to keep it beating for more years yet. Hang in there. You have so many people that love you, myself included, of course.
