
Friday, October 11, 2019

Bear-proofed at last?

Over the years I've had many different feeders that I thought were bear-proof, only to have bears demolish them, but I feel really confident that a bear cannot bend this new feeder pole.

Couldn't ask for better helpers than Bruce and Stephanie. Here we're setting the 2" solid steel rebar into concrete and rocks, then putting a slightly larger diameter steel pipe around it. And finally, the 3" steel pole.

I'm waiting for the cement to dry overnight before I hang the bucket from it.

It was dismaying to discover my mulberry trees with the undersides of the leaves covered with teensy worms. Last year the poor trees lost all their leaves to the worms, grew new leaves, and lost those too. This late in the year I don't think they'll grow new leaves at least. Gonna withhold water, which might prevent new growth. Tough country here. The oasis is way too popular with wildlife of all kinds. Too bad I can't just select for butterflies, birds, and dragonflies. LOL.

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