
Saturday, October 19, 2019

Day of rest, relatively speaking

I made up my mind that I was going to relax and enjoy the oasis today. Not only did I want to de-stress before going to town, but today is a Global October Big Day, so I wanted to see how many birds I could tally. Got 39 species, not bad for this time of year. Here's a female Townsend's Warbler enjoying the new bird bath.

The Golden-fronted Woodpecker is still around. I'm hoping he'll devour the acorns before the bear gets to them. I saw some ripe ones today on the Chinkapin Oak that was ravaged last year, but I left them there for the woodpecker. Gotta keep him happy.😀

Quite a good number of butterflies lately, including lots of Common Mestras.

Southern Dogface
American Snout
Of course, I spent most of the day watering, but I don't consider that work. It's my therapy. Rainfall this year has been 2/3 of normal, with record heat this summer, but I've managed to keep the oasis looking lovely.

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