
Monday, October 7, 2019

Not much happening

Woke up in Alpine this morning to a cool day, so was anxious to get to the "land of fun and sun." On the radio coming down they said we basically had an extra month of summer this year. On the face of it that sounds wonderful since I love summer best. But what we actually got was an extra month of record heat. Not an extra month of monsoons.

When I arrived at the oasis it was cool and pretty breezy. This time of year my allergies act up, so I did a couple of necessary chores, then came indoors for a nap. It might be cool enough for me to sleep upstairs tonight, a month later than I normally start sleeping up there.

I couldn't believe all the Familiar Bluet damselflies at the oasis. There's a plague of them.

Lots of flowers blooming also, but unfortunately, that doesn't translate into more butterflies.

Feather Dalea (Dalea formosa)

Yellow Bells (Tecoma stans)

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