
Sunday, October 27, 2019

Temporary fix

I put up this temporary feeder until either the bear tears it down or I get the pipe on the bucket feeder re-threaded. Also greased the pole. I think the bottom of this feeder (8'4") is a bit higher than the bottom of the bucket was, but I'm going to raise the bucket another 6". Considering a bear unwelcome mat under the feeder, and may even have to stop feeding the birds during Oct-Nov.

I'm surprised and relieved that the bear hasn't bothered the madrone berries or hummingbird feeders...yet.

Saw a Rock Wren today. They're fairly common here, especially in the winter, but I realized I've never posted a photo of one, so here it is.

Made my third, and final, fruitless trip out the lake road looking for Mary's Giant-Skipper. I'm over that! This next photo is notable only in that this Black Swallowtail is nectaring on verbena. Not much of it left, but this late in the year it's amazing I have any.

Having so much sotol on the slopes makes the land look hairy, or in botany terms, pubescent.

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