
Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Town life

As if being in town isn't bad enough because of noise (trains, dogs, sirens, etc.) and being away from the oasis, my husband makes it worse by mowing where I'm trying to create a natural habitat. And the city isn't complaining, so that's not the reason. He's just a manicured lawn type person.

Usually this time a year we have lots of tomatoes, but they died this summer. Not sure, but maybe due to the record hot, rain-less summer, even though we gave them plenty of water. Hugh hates store bought tomatoes but he discovered if he leaves them sit out for 3 or 4 days they're not so bad.

On the bright side, I'm headed to the oasis in the morning. I'm lucky for what time I get to spend there. I'm sure many other people wish they could spend as much time there as I do.😀

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