
Thursday, October 31, 2019

Trick, no treat, for bears

I thought sure it would freeze last night but no ice anywhere. Had fun installing my bear unwelcome mat. Also the bucket feeder. The temporary feeder wasn't putting any seed on the ground for quail. I bought a new pad for the base of the bucket, but reluctant to put it on until bear season ends, even though it just cost a few dollars. A pain to put on though. The bottom of the bucket is now 7'4" above the ground. I could raise it another 6" by shortening the wire, but I feel confident no bear will mess with it. Greased pole too.


A Gray Fox helped himself to a drink of water. When he heard my shutter click, he disappeared pronto.

I've taken hundreds of photos lately with my Lumix trying to capture the tail spread on the selasphorus that's been staying in the courtyard for the past month. Today I set my camera for a faster shutter speed. It gave me an inferior photo, but at least I think the tail can be seen well enough to prove it's an Allen's Hummingbird.

Capturing the color didn't matter. I have dozens of photos showing that. Just needed the shape of the tail feathers. Awaiting confirmation from Kelly Bryan.

I counted at least 16 ducks on my tanks this morning. Had a hard time identifying them all. As best I can ascertain, they were mostly Green-winged Teal, with a few N. Shovelers, and a Wood Duck.

1 comment:

  1. Oh those beautiful wood ducks. But I love all the others too. Used to enjoy them mightily when I live in the countryside near a pond...
