
Sunday, November 10, 2019

A lovely fall day

Photographed the same three hummer species at the oasis today that I photographed the last time I was here. However, today's Anna's Hummingbird seemed to be a more adult male than the last one. Also purplish color to the gorget. Don't know what that's about.

Speaking of color, here's my favorite kind of fall color.

Texas Madrone berries

Big Tooth Maple leaves
Checked my critter cam, but no bears have visited since I installed it. Just lots of doves, and a fox.

It just kills me that I can't get anyone here to work on the road (although I have a good prospect for help next week) so I took my grubbing hoe/pick ax to see how much I could do. I lasted 30 minutes and got high center lowered for about 6-8 feet. Now if I can still move tomorrow, I'll try to do another 6  feet or so. Big IF, of course. If my help shows up we're going to put a concrete patch or two on the big hill.

I'm still trying to get a better tail feather shot of the Allen's Hummingbird but it clouded up this afternoon. I know my only hope is full sun. Maybe tomorrow.

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