
Thursday, November 14, 2019

Chilly oasis day

Christmas Mountains
It never quite made it up to 60° today, which is below my comfort level. At least I didn't arrive here to need to do any emergency repairs. So I built a fire and took a long nap. Tomorrow I want to be in as good shape as possible because I've again scheduled a little work on the big hill and optimistic that it'll happen this time.

Since birders are coming tomorrow also, I wanted to confirm if the Allen's Hummingbirds were still here. They are. Not much else of interest though.

Luckily, I had seen that the above juvenile Allen's would not let the below Anna's Hummingbird near the feeder area so I had hung one feeder back in the wooded area for the Anna's. The Allen's can't patrol them all, although the adult male Allen's is able to keep all other hummers out of the courtyard where he's set up his territory.

Things are still pretty green at the oasis. Guess not a real hard freeze yet. That's fine with me.

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