
Monday, November 18, 2019

Hidden stuff

Not long after supper tonight my neck swelled and was very painful as well as the base of my skull. I originally attributed it to hidden MSG in some canned gravy I ate for supper. Now I think it's a pinched nerve or something. Came to the oasis this morning as planned, even in my semi-functional state.

A visiting birder got to see the male Allen's Hummingbird today, but the juvenile male must be gone. The Anna's Hummingbird now comes to the feeders unmolested.

The oasis almost never gets a House Sparrow, but today a female came by sporting, what seemed to me, an abnormally large bill.

My critter cam is hiding in plain sight, but no one sees it. I forget it's there. The only critters it caught lately are the human kind. 

Me doing my thing

Bruce Cramer doing his thing

Paul Jordan doing his thing.

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