
Friday, November 29, 2019

Never again!

I thought the grandkids would enjoy the hot springs in the park. Big mistake. When we got to the park, the line going in was 25 cars ahead of us and soon that many behind us. Then the dirt road to the hot springs was jammed up with traffic. Cars couldn't move. We finally got parked down the road and walked to the springs. Packed with people. Not one of the four grand-kids would stick a toe in the water.  Then my 19 year old grandson disappeared. My son finally found him. He had gone downriver, crossed into Mexico and was petting a horse. (He's my daughter's son.) There were repercussions.

Leonardo calling across the river to his nephew
We were in two vehicles. My grandson and I headed for the oasis. My son and his wife and three daughters wanted to see the basin. They tried, but the basin was closed due to too many vehicles. There was a line and one couldn't enter until another left. They didn't want to go that bad, so they went to the packed Santa Elena Canyon. Meanwhile, I was delighted to get back home away from the crowds. It never used to be that bad in the park. I blame it on social media. Daily people are posting to Facebook groups how great the park is. It's not great when it's bumper to bumper traffic. Word gets around and people pour in. I can't begin to imagine how all those crowds impact the environment.

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