
Monday, December 30, 2019

Year's end

Came to the oasis today to see the old year out and the new year in. Also to avoid being kept awake by fireworks on New Year's Eve. It's chilly here, but tolerable. Didn't make it up to 60° today though.

Visitors have commented on gophers at the oasis. Someone said maybe a Pocket Gopher. I don't know, but it looks good for one to me.

I'm better at identifying birds, or even butterflies and dragonflies. Here's a for sure Anna's Hummingbird, and pretty positive it's a female.

The Allen's Hummingbird is still at the house feeder but since I got a decent spread tail shot I haven't been motivated to sit out in the crispy air trying for another photo. This is all I snapped of it today. Just documentation. I expect it to leave some time in January.

A Golden-fronted Woodpecker has been hanging around for several months now. Never before has one wintered here, or even hung around longer than a day or two. Coincidentally, never before has a Ladder-backed Woodpecker hole been enlarged like this. I'm thinking the Golden-fronted did it. Sometime before spring I'm definitely going to bring in more agave stalks. Those I have are about used up and worn out. At some point, something will likely avail itself of the enlarged hole. Eager to see what. Maybe an owl of some kind (other than Elf Owl).

Golden-fronted top; Ladder-backed bottom
Last but not least, a female Ring-necked Duck resided on the big tank today. Always love having ducks around.

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