
Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The dawning of a new decade

I'm sure I'll have to go through many trials and tribulations in this new decade. Hopefully, I'll live to usher in the next, and surely final one, of my life. If I make it to another one (2030), I'm sure it won't be without mourning the loss of loved ones along the way.

Whenever I get a lifer bird or butterfly, I realize that's one less left for me to get. And I'm beginning to realize that every day I get to enjoy is one day less left to get to enjoy. So with renewed resolve, I'm determined to get the most out of each and every day. In 2020 I'm going to banish complaining from my life. Life is getting down to the nitty-gritty now. I'm going to focus on making the oasis the best birding experience it can be.

Much of this decade will be spent on transitioning the oasis to the care of my son. He's a wonderment, and if anyone can do it, he can. I'm sure there'll be unforeseen obstacles, but I feel confident my legacy will carry on.

Today I finally got a blurry photo of the Cardinal that eluded my efforts yesterday.

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