
Thursday, February 20, 2020

A real bummer of a day!

My husband and I went to a Mexican restaurant for lunch and awhile later I couldn't find my iPhone. I knew I had it in the car on the way to the restaurant. When we rushed back to look for it, it wasn't anywhere. Finally, I spotted it in the parking lot under a car that was parked where we had previously been parked. It was in a mud puddle, as well. My heart sank. It was demolished!

I went and bought a Galaxy A10 which is cheaper than an iPhone. I've never used an Android, so I'm pretty lost with it right now, but I'm sure I'll learn. No cloud storage so I lost everything, all my apps, messages, and contact. Really stressed.

Just have to accept what I can't change. Weather is real wintery, but that's very minor right now!


  1. You should be able to recover your contacts and photos etc from icloud. If you have a PC or a MAC. one site with instructions is I'm sure any of your local tech oriented friends or guests can help with your recovery.

  2. The phone store told me I don't have icloud on my old phone. I should have purchased it apparently.
