
Sunday, February 2, 2020

My new camera

I'm still trying to familiarize myself with the new camera. So much to learn. Tomorrow I'm going to CMO and get serious about learning it. Today I made the mistake of going outside to take photos with both cameras to compare but took them out one at a time. So conditions and subjects were different and couldn't really compare. This Checkered White happened to show up when I was out with my Lumix.

And saw a pair of Chihuahuan Ravens that I shot with both cameras but at different distances, so no real comparison there either. Cameras are so frustrating for me, and one I'm not familiar with is more so. But I've got determination going for me. The birds were half a block away so not a fair test, but here's the one taken with my new (to me) Sony RX10iii.


UPDATE: A reviewer for Ebird said those are Common Ravens. I'm not convinced, but either way, they're ravens. LOL

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