
Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Mystery solved

It seemed this is the only winter I've ever had a bee problem on my hummingbird feeders at the oasis. I couldn't figure out why until today. It's also the first winter I've had an overwintering Golden-fronted Woodpecker. Dots connected.

The woodpecker tilts the feeders and dribbles on them. That's plenty of excuse for bees. My photos aren't sharp. I'm having a rather puny day. Got up too early. Also my new camera is heavier than the Lumix. I have to support the lens with my left hand and that hand has an essential tremor. No time to set up a tripod though. It's not as bad at a closer distance, but I was far away. The woodpecker flies off if I try to get closer. I love the added zoom on my Sony. Great camera once I learn it. If the woodpecker decides to live here permanently, with a mate, it will definitely be a huge problem. I don't know any easy solution either.

This Green-tailed Towhee was more cooperative. It isn't singing and it isn't feeding. Must be yawning.😮

I was surprised to see flowers starting to bloom. Desert Marigold, Bicolor Mustard, and several others. The Verbena has been blooming all winter long.

Heading to bed early. Been yawning all day. I think I have brain fog.

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