
Friday, February 7, 2020

Trying to stay upbeat

It's hard to hang around Alpine so much, but there's nothing to do at the oasis except burn firewood so I'm trying to endure. My arm must be healing by now, but it's slow. I've been just using vaseline on the bandages, but I'm thinking it might heal faster with antibiotic ointment. Trying not to use antibiotics unless absolutely necessary.

When I was last at the oasis the woodpeckers hadn't made holes in the new agave stalk. Didn't see any hummers, and accidentally left a faucet on overnight, wasting yet more water. I would have been better off had I stayed in town. This too shall pass. At least I'm alive and well, as are my loved ones.

I shot a couple of photos out the window in town but just the same old species.


  1. That arm looks infected to me. I'd get it taken care of. Robert Mace

  2. Thanks. I'm going to put antibiotic ointment on it right now.
