
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Feeling good!

I'm so glad to have the road work finished. At least as good as it can be without paving it. And it's nice for birders to have the back-road experience without risk to vehicles. Hopefully, it'll hold up for a long time with little touching up.

Couldn't work the top of the big hill because it would leave it rubble-covered with no traction. Better be rough and people make it up than to not get traction. We had enough trouble on the less steep lower part of the hill after the work was done. It'll soon pack in with rain and traffic and be fine, of course.

Lighter part on top is the same as it was
Some places neither the dozer nor my rake could do much with, but at least we got rid of the high center for low clearance vehicles.

Some of you may remember how rough this slope was right up against the fence. Hoping it will never get as bad as it was before. There is still rough bedrock underneath the dirt, but he removed a bunch of it, so hoping that, and a few other similar places, will wear better now. Slopes are always the issue. Flat spots never have a problem. Between spinning tires and monsoonal runoff, the slopes wear the worst.

I'm none the worse for wear myself. A blister on the inside of my thumb is the only residual effect that I can tell. It's good to know that I can still do it.  Sitting in town all winter always sets me back. I'm not deluded enough to think I can climb my mountain or anything, but at least I can still do some maintenance. Patching tank is next on the list.

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