
Sunday, March 1, 2020

Winter is over! YAY!

Neighbors have seen several hummers but none at CMO yet. Plenty of feeder activity though. ... bees. Luckily I haven't gotten stung. (Knock on wood)

I'm excited because roadwork is finally gonna happen. I found someone with a bulldozer who will do it when he gets time. Expensive but so worth it. Good use of donation money. I'll take lots of photos when it happens. Should be within the next couple of weeks.

My orange tree only made three oranges this year. One was up high by the skylight (where I can't get to) and split, but I ate one of the other two today. So big and sweet and juicy! I have huge hands and it filled one. The tree is starting to bloom now.


  1. What sort of orange is that? I searched the blog to see if you'd mentioned the particular species, but couldn't' find a mention. What a lovely thing to grow.

  2. If I remember correctly it's a Valencia. It's a real common type I know.

  3. When I cut into one the juice just starts flowing out and it seems a waste. I guess I need to juice them, but I love eating the segments in their natural state.

  4. It's a gorgeous orange. Hard to get oranges in this small town that aren't those thick skinned California navel oranges. Seems I recall Valencias having the best juice. Enjoy!
