
Sunday, March 22, 2020

My Alpine world

Staying as isolated as possible while here in town. At least we have a big yard to enjoy, and the weather is lovely.

Monarch butterfly
The apricot tree that bloomed too early, then broke off after my husband left the sprinkler on it all night, is now sprouting new branches. Poor thing! Eventually it'll make a nice tree and we won't sprinkle it ever again.

And here's the new Tilton Apricot tree we bought online. Shouldn't bloom too early.

This is the first year in many where we didn't have to cover the tomatoes due to late frosts. They're very happy.... so far.

Lots of Bluebonnets are starting to bloom around the yard.

My son owns the Triangle Market here in town so I'm good to go (no pun intended) during this pandemic.

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