
Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Alpine update

I didn't see the duck in the nest today when I checked so that means she's still laying eggs and not ready to incubate. Can't get a photo of the hummer on its nest. Every time I get halfway close enough, she flushes, so I'm going to wait until she's feeding young. The nest is in the same area as the one last April that my husband discovered while pruning.  Accidentally removing its cover may have been why the nest failed.  Hoping this one will succeed. (Nest in AZ Cypress behind big Black Locust tree.)

To see the nest I have to be on the same side of the pond as the tree, which is too close for the bird's comfort. When it is feeding young, if I bring a seat over to the edge of the pond and sit quietly, it'll come to feed.

Here's a flower I found growing near the pond. It's a Stork's-bill (Geranium Carolinianus). They're common throughout the US, but Dr. Powell doesn't show them in the Trans-Pecos, except for Jeff Davis Co. So it's special to me for it to be here.

Another Stork's-bill came up in a pot on the patio.

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