
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Another great migration day

As I approached the oasis early this morning I spied a Turkey Vulture sunning on one of the agave stalks. So many birds use them, but hadn't seen that use here before.

Warblers are starting to come through. Had the first Townsend's Warbler of the year. Right as the acacia are starting to bloom profusely, as usual. I was busy watering and then it was too hot so I didn't pay much attention.

Sparrows are still here in large numbers. Finally got the IDs all sorted out. The Savannah Sparrow is always a hard one for me. Kelly Bryan once told me to ask myself why it's not a Savannah, and if there's no good reason, then that's what it is. 

Cassin's Kingbird
Tomorrow is my last hurrah... if I even make it. Going up the mountain one last time to mark the trail for posterity. I'm determined to make it. Taking my sister for safety.

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