
Friday, April 10, 2020

My happy and safe place

Seems so long between stays at the oasis. Hope to remain here for a few days, at least. Finally had a visitor, a local bird photographer.

Already hot. I was really dragging trying to get some watering done. I know one thing, if I couldn't ever share the place with birders it wouldn't be tolerable to maintain just for myself. But I know soon life will get back to normal.

Lark Sparrow

Finally saw a couple of odes today, besides the Familiar Bluet damselflies.

Female Common Whitetail
I'm concerned about the pondweed. Even though I'm not removing water from the tank, evaporation is lowering the level, leaving some of the pondweed stranded out of water and it doesn't seem to be growing farther into where the water is. We'll see. I see lots of patches of roots in other areas of the tank, but no leaves showing. Once the ground dries out, the leaves will die.

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