
Sunday, May 31, 2020

A lot going on

More birders are trickling into the oasis and the traffic on Highway 118 seems back to normal for this time of year.  The weather has been cooler. I'm hoping the first Pacific storm (Amanda) will bring some much needed rain to the area. Had a Killdeer at the big tank today. Rarely get that species at the oasis so always a treat.

I watered yesterday at the oasis. Had birders there yesterday and today, then came to town today. The Trumpet Vine in town is looking good these days.

I went out back to the ponds to see if all four ducklings were still there but they're no longer staying with the mother, and are so all over the place that it's hard to tell. They hide so well. I for sure saw 3 and no reason to think there aren't still 4. The lotuses are so big now that even an adult duck could easily hide in them. I'll check again tomorrow.

Finally made me a couple of face shields to wear until I get the one I ordered online. By the time the virus reaches Alpine I should have protection down pat. (My neck isn't splotchy. Just the light reflecting on the plastic.) I'm tired of wearing a mask that doesn't protect me as much as it protects the person that refuses to wear a mask. Plus, I can't tolerate having a mask against my nose. This should be better protection and no itching. Bad selfie of me. I got into dust today and my eyes and nose got a bit irritated, but it gives you the shield idea. I figure I'll be wearing them for a long time to come.

Here's the one I ordered online.

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