
Wednesday, May 13, 2020

And then there were six...

Down to six ducklings this morning. (Nine eggs were incubated. Eight hatched.) There's another adult hanging out with the mother and babies, but from all I can tell she's just trying to be helpful.

I wish I could monitor them more closely but I had to go to the oasis today to service feeders. Things were good at the oasis. Rain from the last few days totaled .44," so I didn't water.

I had forgotten about the plaque when I drove up, so encountered it more objectively this time. I was impressed. Maybe it'll be an historical site someday. I see a lot of improvements that could make it look better, but I know it's not going to happen. That ship has sailed.

I managed to get a photo of an elusive Common Yellowthroat at the back water feature.

And an ovipositing (egg laying) darner. Not sure if it's a Common Green Darner or a Giant Darner. It was way out in the middle of the big tank so I couldn't get as sharp a photo as I would have liked.


  1. I think the entrance looks great. And the plaque is quite handsome....

    1. Thanks. Photos don't do it justice. Now I want to beautify the courtyard to be worth of the plaque. LOL I wish you could see it in person.

  2. Me too. I thought of coming to see the place when I was out there a couple of years ago. I should have. But here's hoping I will come west again...that is one of my favorite parts of this world. Enjoy.
