
Monday, May 4, 2020

Busy day

I was determined to get a photo of the rent house floors after being waxed today and since the new tenants are moving in tomorrow, I caught up on watering and servicing feeders at the oasis and came to town this afternoon. I had to take ibuprofen to get it all done so fast.

The floor was disappointing to me. Mostly because of the replacement tiles. The floors I had previously done didn't look as white, but they looked good in more of a beige tone. Here's the one I did several weeks ago. You can't really tell it has a buildup of old wax on it, or whatever.

Here's the one my helper did. Of course it won't look as good because of the replacement tiles. But which would you rather move into?

I guess my main concern is that the new tenants had seen the previously done rental, and leased this current one based on what they saw in the previous one, being told they were the same. Well, basically they are, but some difference too.

Anyway, enough of that. Back at the oasis, it got up to 105° today. It seems we had an early migration this year that is winding down early. However, supposed to be a north wind tomorrow that may bring down good warblers. The acacia is ready for them. It appears that I have 3 different variations of catclaw but I don't know how variable they are from bush to bush of the same species. In this next photo the bush in the back seems to have larger, whiter "brushes" on it, whereas, the shorter bush in the front seems to have smaller yellower brushes.

Then a nearby bush seems to have whitish brushes with red bases. Guess I'll pose this question to the Texas Flora Facebook group and see what the experts think. I'll let you know.

Going back to the oasis tomorrow. I have a friend visiting, plus I'd like to take some time to enjoy the place for a bit. Maybe photograph something interesting. Really need rain.


  1. Glad to hear the words "take some time to enjoy the place" from you. Yea.
    I haven't had cause to rent a place in years, but I'd rent one of yours in a heartbeat. There are minor flaws (or not so minor) in any living space. Those flaws are some I could overlook. A CLEAN place.

  2. Thanks. I'll feel better if the new tenants are happy with it. We'll find out tomorrow.
