
Sunday, May 10, 2020

Huge Mother's Day surprise

I've never celebrated holidays, nor encouraged my kids to. I guess society pressures people. Anyway, I knew my son from Austin was making a quick trip to Alpine to fix a bathtub in one of our rental houses, He told me he was going to the oasis afterwards and then head back to Austin today. I thought it strange that as busy as he is, he'd come to the oasis. I asked him why and he said he just needed a break from all the craziness (not his exact words). Well, this morning happened to be Mother's Day and he presented me with a plaque that my three kids had all chipped in on. After he installed it, I immediately couldn't imagine the house at the oasis without it. It just belonged, like the finishing touch.

The brass plaque was so heavy I could barely lift it. He anchored it into the wall, drilling deep holes, etc. Barring drastic action, it'll still be there a thousand years from now. I wonder if it'll feel different living there now. Will I feel the need to label heirlooms, and such? Maybe to make displays of old photos? Will I see my house through a different lens? Probably. I already made the comment that old trellis needs to go. I had never thought that before. Hmmm...

Back in Alpine, I discovered at least one duckling has hatched. Tomorrow I should be able to assess the situation better. Expect photos tomorrow. The mother is still on the nest, a storm is brewing and I couldn't tell much this afternoon. But I did see at least one rambunctious duckling jumping around in there. (I had today or tomorrow on the calendar, so right on schedule.)


  1. Oh my. What a great son you have. Though I guess there's that MONUMENT thing. Still, a lovely thing. You are appreciated, even close to home,which counts for a lot. More than from those out there in the world.

    1. Thanks, Marlin and Judith. What MONUMENT thing? You lost me there.

    2. I'm lost too...I guess when I read it last evening I was responding to the heaviness and permanence of the plaque, and just collapsed it into monument. Sometimes I am not on target. Not a surprise.

  2. Oh, Judith, I get it now. Monument kind of has two different meanings and I was focusing on the wrong one. Thanks for explaining.
