
Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Duck's life

Our ducks have a safe place to live here as far as humans are concerned, but I worry about things like snakes, hawks, and owls. Today the ducks were foraging under the big pecan tree while a Great Horned Owl was perched directly above them. And of course baby duck goes right along with the adults.

Baby on left

The habitat today.

As covid cases are rising precipitously (22 as of now) in Alpine, I'm wearing my shield religiously.


7:30 PM. Here's a shot of the radar at the oasis right now. Maybe we'll get a little shower out of this.

9 PM - My sister called and said we jut got a few drops but good rain in the distance. Maybe tomorrow. I have to go water tomorrow. Can't take a chance.


  1. Habitat looks very nice. Virus spreading fast in the panhandle since reopenings.
    Probably would be good if the parks were closed again if it’s not already too late.

    1. Yes, we all just need to do everything we can to protect ourselves and ignore the idiocy out there. It's hard when you see people in the store without masks or distancing, but I'm protecting myself. The town habitat is getting really nice. Hopefully we'll get good birds there. I think I'll hang some hummingbird feeders there in August and see what interesting hummers I can attract.
