
Sunday, June 14, 2020

Less gloomy today

I hooked up my little pump and tried it on the outlet and it worked so didn't use the generator. I accidentally discovered that when I turn off the breaker to the pump (that isn't working) in the stucco tank then the outlet at the big tank works with my little pump. Crazy! Electrician assures me he'll be here early in the morning. So I watered. It's an ordeal, but preferable to the stress of not watering. The deer hang out at the tank a lot these days.

Last year on this date I listed my 57th butterfly species for the year at the oasis. Today I logged my 35th species, so you can see how far behind this year is.

Mexican Yellow
Also saw an amberwing that didn't look right for an Eastern, but doubt it could be anything else. First Eastern Amberwing I've ever seen without the chevron pattern on the abdomen.

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