
Wednesday, July 15, 2020

And worse...

Today the pump wouldn't put out any water even though I could hear it running. I'm convinced the underground wiring has an issue that keeps ruining pumps, in spite of the electricians saying it's fine. I am not putting another pump into the stucco tank until my sons put in new wiring. Thousands of dollars spent (counting new pumps) and nothing. So today I transferred water from the stucco tank with a gas pump into the big concrete tank. From there I use my little pump that uses a different electric line.

I worked all day until about 3 PM, pumping water and looking for odes and butterflies as I did. Found some nice stuff but half my pictures were still on the camera when I came to town and forgot my camera at the oasis. So maddening!

I'm almost positive I had a California Spreadwing damselfly today but need to see my photos of it to confirm. And other good stuff. Meanwhile, I have my Lumix camera if I see something I want to take a photo of.

Here's a Louisiana Waterthrush from today. Best shots still in the camera, of course.

And a Loggerhead Shrike in the process of shrieking.* He really belts it out!

This young buck was curious but eventually decided it would be prudent to depart in haste.

Getting a few migrants every day.

Yellow-headed Blackbird
I may be slaving away a lot in the heat but it beats being in the hospital or being out of water. I topped off my tanks today from the last of the water in the lower dirt tank. So lucky!

Oh, almost forgot to mention, Yellow-breasted Chats have arrived. They carry on loudly all day. I love them and missed not having them. So glad they're back.

The oasis is a demanding taskmaster, but generous with rewards! I anthropomorphize everything else, so why not the oasis? 😁

* The word "shrike" originated from an older English word "shriken" which meant "to shriek." And loggerhead means a disproportionately large head.

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