
Friday, July 10, 2020

Big surprise at CMO today

To get you up-to-date, in 2013 the oasis had three rare Ornythion Swallowtail butterflies. The following year, in hopes of attracting them I planted the only citrus (their host plant) that might be able to grow here, Trifolate Orange, due to our extreme cold fronts in the winter. For seven years I've mothered and pampered them. They're still not very big.

Lately, with the drought, followed by record-breaking heat, I became discouraged with some of my pet projects, like the "citruseria," as I dubbed my little citrus patch. Then this afternoon, totally unexpectedly, but always hoped for, an Ornythion popped into the oasis. I had seen this Western Giant Swallowtail earlier today, so figured I was seeing it again, but checked just to be sure.

W. Giant Swallowtail, probably male
Maybe I had been out in the sun too long. Seriously, it was 106° when I found this female Ornythion Swallowtail. She must have been worn out from her journey. She perched in the Chisos Rosewood and stayed there.

But wait, there's more! I was wondering if she'd be able to find the Trifolate Orange plants. A short while later, up at the courtyard, there was a female W. Giant Swallowtail laying eggs on one of the orange plants. If the Giant can find them, so can the Ornythion.

Found an active Scott's Oriole nest in the carport. No time and patience to photograph the bird at the nest. Maybe tomorrow. 

Left Alpine at 5:30 AM today to beat the heat, but been watering, weed-eating, and pumping water most of the day, some of it when it was 106° so I'm really tired. More pictures I want to share. Maybe tomorrow. I'll finish with this cooperative Black-tailed Gnatcatcher.

The electrician said he'd be here between 7-8 AM tomorrow so it's going to be another hot and hectic day.


  1. Congratulations.... very nice surprises.
    Connie and I can’t wait to get to our place down there. After 46 years in the nursery business we’re retiring this year. Our season will end about September.

  2. That's wonderful! I look forward to seeing more of you. Where's your place at?

  3. Gate 7, about 1.5 miles in on main road.

  4. Oh, great! You'll get wonderful birds there. Lots of Lucifers too. If you do a butterfly garden you'll get awesome butterflies.
