
Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Brewster County heat advisory

For the next week the high temperatures are forecast to be 107-108°  I retreated to town. For one thing my pickup is making an alarming noise. And the heat, combined with mosquitoes, makes it miserable at the oasis right now. I should have watered before I left but just wasn't up to it. Hopefully, it'll rain in the next couple of days.

On the bright side, the oasis is a haven for butterflies and dragonflies. Nothing rare yet, maybe because I haven't spent much time looking. Beebrush is blooming so the air is very fragrant.

Question Mark (summer form)

Widow Skimmer

Painted Lady on Beebrush
A pair of Mexican Ducks enjoyed the dirt tank all day...

...and this Louisiana Waterthrush favored a puddle going into the culvert to the dragonfly pond.


  1. Great photos. That’s a Louisiana Waterthrush. Wide white supercilium, white throat, large bill and buffy flanks. Thanks for all the work you do to keep the oasis going. I have loved my visits there.

    1. Thanks, Mark. I'll change it to Louisiana. I see ebird confirmed it as a Louisiana too, so it's official.
