
Monday, July 13, 2020

Languishing in town

As much as I hate it here, I dread facing the heat at the oasis tomorrow. Guess I'll just keep sprinkling myself to stay cool.(109° there today) The mosquitoes should have waned by now. So that just leaves old age to contend with. LOL

The habitat here in town is nice. When it rains it'll be even better. I have a hard time finding stuff here to inspire me to take photos, unlike at the oasis. Today is the first time I noticed that some of the lotuses are paler than others. This is the only year I've seen that. Pretty cool!

It's been a good year for Vermillion Flycatchers here. It seems for months now I've seen young being fed.

Migrating hummingbirds will start showing up here any day. Michael Gray has been taking some super shots of the comet Neowise from the Davis Mountains area. I haven't been able to locate it yet.

We gave our apples away this year but I'm going to try to freeze some of the peaches.  I labor under the illusion that I'll get caught up one of these days.


1 comment:

  1. Hot here too. But since I've moved to town, haven't seen any vermilion flycatchers. They were scarce here, even out in the country. So nice to see one again. Thanks. As for the peaches, I'd give a lot of them away. Looks like a great crop. If they were apricots, I'd drive the 365 miles necessary to get them. I do like peaches though.
