
Saturday, July 18, 2020

Long busy day

Had birders here all day and then into this evening to photograph the comet Neowise. Thanks to Mike Gray who set my camera so I could take photos of it, I got some that I'm satisfied with. Never could've happened without his expertise. Here's one I took from the big hill on my road where the guys were set up. (The pics look better if you click on them.)

A while later I took this one from the oasis.

Even though my photos aren't of the quality of theirs, I'm just thrilled that I was actually able to photograph the comet at all.

Other than that, not much interesting going on at the oasis. Lots of hummers, including juveniles. The birders called in an Elf Owl and got photos of it. I took a picture of this Yellow-breasted Chat, just because I love them.

Also tried for a better photo of the California Spreadwing, but failed. However, I showed the spreadwing to a couple of photographers with super cameras and they got good photos of it. I haven't seen theirs yet, but eventually I will. Took this wasp photo because I don't remember ever seeing one like it before.

Watered a little but probably should water more before going back to town. With it being so hot and me having the water, all I lack is the energy.


  1. Please share the settings on your camera from last night. Nice pictures.

  2. Mike Gray set the camera for me so I don't know what they were. I know it was in full manual mode and opened f-stop and ISO as much as my camera will do. I'll find out.

    1. If this helps, here's what the properties says on the photos. Sony RX10M3 f/3.5 4 seconds, ISO 12800, focal length 24mm, metering mode Pattern (does that mean P and not Manual?)
