
Saturday, July 4, 2020

Not exactly a day of rest

I had planned an easy day after the last few grueling days, but now that I filled the rock above ground tank I needed to get the hex tiles that keep the water from evaporating repaired. Was more work than I expected. About a hundred of the tiles had leaked and sunk to the bottom of the tank. I had brought them to town to work on but procrastinated until I needed them. I still have 35 to drain and patch tomorrow. The ones that are totally full of water are the hardest. The water won't drain out unless I squeeze them to make it come out. Since there's just a pinhole in them, it takes a lot of squeezing. Hard on my shoulder, etc.

I have enough patched with Shoe-goo to finish covering the tank, but might as well do them all and be done with it. I have no idea if they'll leak again but if they do, they'll sit on the bottom of the tank for another nine months, more or less, until I use the water in the tank next spring. But the extra ones can cover the spots as they become bare. The hex corners are pointy and they rub against the edges of the concrete tank, which is like sandpaper. Not a good product, but I have them now. I used to use plastic beverage bottles but the lids would come off and they'd sink. In the future, if I have to resort to them again, I'll glue the lids on. But I like the looks and coverage of the hexes better. Nothing will last forever. Maybe next year not as many will need patching. A bunch of them were leaking before I even put them into the tank originally.

1 comment:

  1. They look more like Lisa Douglas' hotcakes or Ellie May Clampet's cookies
