
Friday, August 14, 2020

Another sweltering Alpine day

Very few hummers at the feeders. I don't remember a year with fewer. Has to be they're bypassing the hotter regions of the Big Bend due to the record temperatures.

I wanted to show some visitors to our ponds a Plateau Dragonlet but couldn't locate one, other than this female or juvenile. At least I think that's what it is. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Here's another shot of it that might show it better, even though it's not a sharp shot.

That was about the high point of my day. Will probably go to the oasis tomorrow sometime. Not sure I'm up to the heat and work that greets me when I get there. It's wearing me down. I don't know how I endured the drought of 2011 when the heat was as bad and I had to buy and haul water just to keep the oasis alive. At least now I can keep it lush looking...  if I have the stamina. So I can't complain.

I took another photo of the Curve-billed Thrasher that has only one leg. He hops around the yard and into the trees just fine.

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